
Daniel Olson

Pastor of Worship and Leadership Development

Men's Ministry

Latest Message:

REACH – EVERY MAN WANTS TO GRAB ON TO SOMETHING - Many men won’t reach up unless there is something solid to grab onto. They tend to stay where they’re at even though they struggle through life. They need godly men to reach out to them who will help them understand who God made them to be.

CONNECT – EVERY MAN NEEDS GODLY MEN - God has not created us to live life alone. It’s essential for men to be connected with other godly men because when they’re not, they’re vulnerable to the enemy’s attack. When God connects men there are friendships established that last a lifetime.

DISCIPLE – EVERY MAN NEEDS TO GROW - The godly men must reach out, with God’s power, to lead men in to spiritual maturity through mentoring, groups and events.

CHALLENGE – EVERY MAN HAS A MISSION - Men are competitive and like to be challenged. When men are unsure of their mission, they pull away from the challenge God has designed for them and default to the lessor worldly challenges. Churches must help men live out the mission God is calling them to.

TRANSFORM – EVERY MAN HAS A MASTER - As men are reached out to, connected, discipled, and challenged, the Lord does His transforming work. As men are transformed, the Lord will rule and reign over every aspect of their lives!

Men need churches to be intentional in finding ways to reach out and connect men with other godly men.

Special Events:

►Men's Ministry: Challenge

Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00pm! Challenge will seek to foster brotherhood, teach what God says about being a man, and grow disciples. This is for men wanting more out of their faith, marriage, friendships, and life! Come for teachings and discussions.

Challenge will be using a new 8-week video series based on the book Fighting Shadows: Overcoming 7 Lies that Keep Men From Becoming Fully Alive.

Watch the informational video at

Want To Reach Out To Men?

Dream a little. Imagine a church with men in it that were supported, encouraged, and reached out to. Imagine a church where the gospel reigned over the entire men’s ministry and because of that, true and authentic relationships, friendships and discipleship happens.

Imagine if we had a men’s ministry with a focus not just on events, but relationships.

Here is the ask.

        Would you consider being one of these men? Would you support, mentor, build relationship with and reach out to the men who are looking for support and encouragement?

What this will look like.

We will set you up with someone at the age or time of life that you feel led to minister to.

Examples: High school, college, newly married, new parent, divorced, or just someone desiring deep relationship.

        You will set up meeting times with them to get coffee, hang out with your family or just meet at the church once in a  while.

         We have two small books that can help drive your conversations that are made for a relationship like this.  The first is “Growing In Christ,” which talks about the assurances and the basics of Christian living, and the second is “Discipleship is Relationship" which talks about four elements for a refreshed and intentional Christian life: Prayer, Word of God, Being Loved, Life of Worship.

Are you looking for a little support and encouragement?

Do you want to begin growing in your relationship with Christ and connect with another brother? Learn what Scripture says about why Christ came and what He says about important issues like: salvation, sin, heaven, prayer, meaning, the Holy Spirit, and much more. Meeting times are based on participants’ schedules. If you’d like to go through the material, or take someone through, contact the church office at
