
Daniel Olson

Pastor of Worship and Leadership Development

The Internship (PVLI)

Latest Message:

PVLI was created to empower and develop life-giving leaders to discover and cultivate their God-given gifts and unique callings.

This is so much more than your typical internship. Here at Pleasant Valley, we’re all about seeing lives made alive in Jesus. So, if your idea of an internship has more to do with making a difference versus making copies, then this is the program for you.


This one-of-a kind program provides the space and community for you to grow in who God has made you to be. Through this program, you will be given hands-on ministry experience, grow in your leadership influence, and develop skills that will help you thrive personally and in the workplace.

When does the internship year start?

The next start of the new intern year will be June of 2025 and runs until May 2026.

What will my week look like?

Each intern's schedule will vary based on your area of ministry, time commitment, and responsibilities you agree upon. Most interns can work from 10-30 hours a week. Every intern will attend our weekly intern gatherings and every intern is welcome and highly encouraged to join the various staff meetings throughout the week. We also expect interns to be involved in Sunday morning services in some capacity.

How long does the program last?

The program is designed to be two years and we find the interns will get the most out of their experience by attending both years. However, an intern will find it highly beneficial if only attended one year.

Who is the ideal candidate?

We encourage those who are between the ages of 18-26, have a high school diploma or equivalent, are a committed follower of Jesus, and support the mission and vision of Pleasant Valley.

Can I be enrolled in college while attending PVLI?

Absolutely. We work with your schedule to provide you the opportunity to be a part of both experiences.

Is PVLI accredited?

Though PVLI is not accredited, the experience, training, and skills learned during the program will be highly profitable in any future endeavor.

What areas of ministry can I serve in?

No matter your passion or gifting, there is a place for you! We currently have positions in Discipleship Ministries, College, High School, Middle School, and Children's Ministries, Worship Arts, Tech, Creative Design, and Next Steps.

Is this a paid internship?

Although you are not compensated, all interns have the opportunity to support raise if they choose. More information about support raising can be given upon request.

Why should I apply to PVLI?

Whether you're interested in full-time, vocational ministry, want to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord and with fellow believers, want to gain more wisdom in the field of leadership, or all three, PVLI offers the space and intentional coaching in all of these areas. You'll gain the experience and development needed for wherever God calls you next.

How do I apply to PVLI?
Here is the application link:

PLEASE CONTACT DANIEL, with questions.

Follow us on Instagram: @pvleaderinstitute


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