The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus: Where are we Running?
Pastor James Reynolds
Text: Acts 20
Spiritual Growth Prompts & Questions
The Bible has a way (through God’s Spirit) of poking and prodding places in us that need healing, help, or transformation. Something may come to mind and your first instinct will be to disagree or try to talk yourself out of it. That’s a good indication that Jesus is speaking. Did He highlight something for you today as you listened?
The Bible is also one huge story - written to lead you to Jesus. How did today’s passage do that? How did the text make Jesus beautiful? Can you see Him? If so, how does He compare to the stuff of life? If not, what do you think might be blocking your vision?
Finally, the Bible’s story line can get lodged in your heart and mind and mess with you. This is a good thing, but it can be uncomfortable. Jesus will use His story to ask you questions. Instead of you reading the text, it will begin to read you. He will ask things of you. Almost like a voice in your head, Jesus will be calling and compelling you to action. What is He doing in you today?